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Team Wolcott

Gallery - Part 4
On-the-Road Racer & Crew Training
On Saturday, April 19th, Team Wolcott practiced active crew support for Keith while on the road. Operating in shifts, the crew provided support from a follow vehicle equipped as we have planned for the race. This gave us an opportunity to test several aspects of the plan: implementing the defined roles for driver, navigator, foodie, concierge, etc.; using the maps and directional aids; communicating with Keith via the two-way radio; driving at a safe distance and manuevering with traffic (such as it is in our rural area at this time.) We were blessed with a warm spring day of near 70 degrees, and we learned a few things. Crew member Lori Casey compiled the following video report:

Team Wolcott Welcomes Two Additional On-Site Crew Members
We're happy to announce that Cameron Craig and Jeannie Ludlow have been added to the roster for the on-site crew. In addition to rotating through the support crew roles like other team members, Cameron will also be our on-site meterologist. Jeannie will be deployed with the errand car, providing assistance as needed for the many "background tasks" to support the racer and the crew (i.e., securing lodging and food, transferring items or personnel, doing laundry.) Our thanks goes out to these two and the others who are supporting this team effort!

Keith Launches Personal Fundraising Site for World Bicycle Relief
Keith and Ellen have selected World Bicycle Relief as a charity cause to align with Team Wolcott's entry in the Race Across America. We ask for your support of this worthy cause. Click here to contribute to World Bicycle Relief as part of the Team Wolcott effort.

April 5 Team Training

No, it's not a Druid priest, it's Steve in the Team Wolcott hoodie, sitting in the "driver's seat" of the simulated support vehicle, with Lisa in the navigator's seat and Marcus and Ellen checking to see that needed equipment is ready.

Today, the crew again practiced short pit-stops. While Keith rode 1-mile loops around the neighborhood, the crew readied for his next stop.

At right, Ellen explains the location of the van contents to Marcus and summarizes the division of tasks for the three crew members during a routine daytime stop for Keith.
Shortly after Lisa receives radio contact from Keith, he arrives. During a planned longer stop, he'll remove his helmet and lie down for a short nap on the cot inside the support vehicle.
For the shorter daytime stops, a checklist of tasks shoud be completed in a short time period: one crew member takes the bike from Keith, while a second gets him seated in a chair and removes his shoes to administer a quick foot massage, and a third member ask Keiths about any trouble spots, skin irritations, bike problems, etc. The crew reminds him to eat something and records calorie intake.
At left, just to make things more realistic, during this training, shortly before arriving Keith would notify the crew of a "flat" tire, and the crew members respond with a quick wheel change.
A "stop box" contains personal hygiene items offered at each break.
All boxes in the support vehicles are clearly labeled with their contents. For this simulated practice, we didn't use all of the anticipated supplies, but samples for most of them were on hand.
The crew shields Keith during a "bathroom break." RAAM rules require avoidance of public nudity, so we have to plan for providing some sort of shelter when such a stop is required somewhere besides a service station, convenience store or other public restroom area.
At right, a simulated longer break, with Keith resting on the cot (ideally, he would be sleeping, but here, he's explaining to Steve the plan for regular clothing changes.)
Marcus and Steve work on replacing a rear wheel during a simulated pitstop.
Keith explains the features of two onboard monitors planned for use on the bicycle -- one is a bike computer to provide information about each segment of the ride, and the other is GPS which will be pre-programmed with the RAAM course. It will be used as a supplemental information source since we cannot always rely on having a fully charged, fully functioning GPS unit on the bike. The primary responsibility for navigation will rest with the support crew.

The crew performed well for a short "daytime" pitstop and completed the expected tasks in a short time period.

The April 5 training session continued with indoor training -- going over information about equipment, logistics and first aid. Next crew training is scheduled for April 19th. (No, we are not coloring Easter eggs.)